Step by step:
1. Open Mozilla Firefox (I'm using version 54.0.1)
2. Visit www.messenger.com
3. Play Ever Wing.
4. Click the Open Menu.
5. Click Developer and Debugger.
6. On the left side under the word Sources, find and click the browser-mobile.js.
(wait for the loading...)
7. Click the Prettify Source button. (wait for a minute)
8. On the Search scripts (Ctrl+P), type #this.common
9. Find the word this.commonEarned += e.common, or tap Enter 6 times.
10. Click the numbers on the left side.
11. Uncheck the box and tap the game. (do not play)
12. Check the box and wait until the game freeze.
13. On the bottom, type this following code:
this.commonEarned = 99000
this.premiumEarned = 2000
14. Uncheck the box again and click Play button.
15. You are done!
- Don't lap to 100,000 score because they not work.
- this.commonEarned = 99000 (Score/ Coins)
- this.premiumEarned = 2000 (Tropies)
- Click the link word to see the image.